Sunday, December 18, 2011

jCrossPhotoTalk: Anti Social- no

jCrossPhotoTalk: Anti Social- no: Just not social. Interested in Art? I am. I recently visited Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, AR link: http://maps....

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Anti Social- no

Just not social.

Interested in Art? I am. I recently visited Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, AR link:,-94.203321&spn=0.000779,0.001277 . Wonderful! We ate there at the restaurant "Eleven" my food was great, but I did have to have some crow with my meal eating a bit of the "bad-mouthing" I have done in the past of WalMart. Kudos to Helen Walton and all the others responsible for bringing world class art to the Ozarks. And nay nay to the whiners on the East coast who deride Helen and Crystal Bridges for stealing art from the very bossom of American art. Good grief how did they come by their European Art?
Crystal Bridges should be a required visit for all schools in the region in study of Art, American History and more. They will be very welcoming- contact them to arrange a visit for your school. Visiting won't give you class, but if you don't visit I wonder if you have any. Never say there is nothing to do in the area or we have no "culture". We have!

ps entrance is free make your reservation today!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


During this record hot summer to get great shots of birds and wildlife, create lots of water settings. Make water available. They are hot and desperate and will come in close. Though they may not look their best with mouths open and panting. They need the water and you get em in close. It works.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Long Hot Summer

Record highs and a record stretch of high temps are being experienced in Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. It is too hot to take pictures. Sweating image sensors are bad. Well I do have motors to shoot tomorrow and a big thanks to Jeff Pryor and Pryor Marketing and Communications in Fort Smith for contributing to sponsorship of the upcoming Photographic Alliance of Fort Smith return of the Annual Photography Contest. This was a great contest with national submissions when the Photo' Alliance and the Fort Smith Art Center put this on years ago. I am happy to see a return and a good part of the non prize money will benefit the local Boys Club/Girls Club in support of the "Jim Hanna Photography Program". It is a great way for young and old to share in the Art of Photography.

To contribute or sponsor contact me, the Photographic Alliance of Fort Smith or the Fort Smith Boys and Girls Clubs. Watch for more information on the upcoming (November, 2011) contest. $500. "Best of Show" prize and other awards.

Enjoy the arts, with ice! John Cross

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunny Sixteen- old rule Still Valid Today

     The sunny sixteen rule states that a basic starting exposure (for film or digital still pictures) is the reciprocal of the film speed (back in  the day ASA, now ISO) for the shutter speed at f16 for full sunny daylight exposures. Example bright sunny day no meter, or the reflective qualities would throw off a reflected (built in) light meter. You are using ISO 100, or your ISO is set at 100. Then your starting exposure would be 1/100 second at f16. or an equal value (EV). The lone lucky winner will receive a signed copy of my latest 4th of july abstract. Photos from this shoot will be post in a gallery at by this Friday.

Remember to check your histogram for proper exposure. After the shoot is too late.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

If A Tree Falls in the Forrest...

I'm having a glass of wine. The website is up. Sure it was up before and sure it is not complete or ready to publish to the search engines, but it is up on my own domain name. Remember, Steve Martin in the SNL skit I think it was- paraphrase- "the new phone book is here the new phone book is here, I'm somebody now" as he looked up his name and found himself in print. Well this is a resurrection for me me- in that the Cross Photography name is alive again for the first time in almost 20 years. www or not. The site is not complete, will it ever be? It is online! Where is that wine...

Well my goal is a little commercial photography work, a few workshops, just enough to add a few bucks and make some trips to places I'd love to photograph- and use it as a business expense- because it IS!

Please check out the site, and check back every now and then as I will make changes and updates- and thanks for reading my blog. Let me know if you did because you will be few. Blessing. And now for that wine.

ps last day on the quiz poll. Someone answer or my son will take away the prize.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

motor shoot

Aw shoot, not enough for a full day. Farm duty motors one by one. I prep em he's shooting em.
New domain in process and email too. All of it is near over my head. Back to work...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Photo work for today- postponed. Dear Diary: Please Follow my blog

Hello- anyone
My motor photo work for today is delayed. My photo partner I work with has a  home emergency he needs help with. Resume tomorrow?
Following! Look to the right and you will see the Follow widget. Please follow my blog for a while so this is not a diary. Answer the poll/quiz and have a chance to win a "prize".
Today's thought: Do you remember "The Great Yellow Father"?
and still, ...they took our Kodachrome away

Have a great day!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

shhhh quiet blogg,

    Counting the days until I am not the sole follower of my blog. Still building the trial website, tweaking the blog, and reactivating facebook. Quietly being social from behind the computer.
Check out my poll quiz at the right of the page. There is a prize to one lucky winner.

The heat is on, remember (only) you can prevent wildfires!